Katharina Hohenwallner - Invited Talk @ILS2021


Congratulations to Katharina Hohenwallner for her invited talk at the
1st International Lipidomics Symposium and 7th Lipidomics Forum 2021
in Regensburg!

Her research on "A novel lipid droplet specific LC-MSn workflow for investigating therapy-resistance mechanisms in human colon cancer" was selected in a competitive international selection process in the category “female early career oral presentation”. The whole conference including travelling was covered and Katharina Hohenwallner shared her newest data on lipid droplets in sensitive and resistance human colon cancer cell lines to investigate lipid-related metal drug resistance mechanisms. Katharina Hohenwallner is a PhD student of the Rampler lab funded by the FWF research group cluster on “The tumor microenvironment as target and regulator of anticancer (metal) drug response”

